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近日,加拿大视频博主柯克阿佩兰(Kirk Apesland)在中国隔离期间发布的一则视频火了!

自疫情暴发以来,西方媒体歪曲事实的报道层出不穷。在广西南宁隔离第十一天的柯克阿佩兰决定3 P R l x V , e –在自己的视频节目Gweilo 60上揭批外u j _ T s 7媒。



不难看出,区区改几个词,外媒就能完] @ B r – I K K {成了一r _ c 4 j ( /篇“黑中国”的报道。而对于很多完全不了解中国的外国人来说,这样歪曲事实的报道,无疑加深了他们对中国的偏见。

柯克阿佩兰在视频中说道:“西方媒体 s + –总会从负面对中国进行报道。我不只是在说美国、加拿大、英国,甚至包含所有的五眼联盟国家或A l 1 是附庸他们的国家,比如日本。我就不直接提台湾地区了,因为台湾属于中2 m o } 2国。”

We all know t: L N G s Z Khat the Western media will tell negative stories about China. And I’m not just talkiQ | 9 .ng the United StaR K 6 B :tes, Canada, Great Britain, but pretty well every Five Eyes country or anybody that’s sort of affiliated with them, like Japan. Well, I’m notU ^ Y even gonna saf ~ 9 py Taiwan reg % $ cgion, because Taiwan region is China.

“他们操纵S f s ~ m } 6 [媒体的做法如出一辙。” 柯克阿佩兰认为:X y S g d 0 7 k“问题不只在于这些媒, e G H : [ # Z S体报道的内容,更在于他们描述的方式。他们在用词上耍手腕大做文章。”

TheyP ^ I i U i $ ) go down the same rJ ? ] 2 ; U y x Doad with the manipulation of the media, but it’s not just the stories that they tell you in the news. It’b 7 ] W Gs the wayr , $ s N ~ that they portray it. It’s the language manipulation that they use.

西方媒体话术解E @ + T $ D p # ?

下面开始划重点,柯克阿佩兰反复提醒D ^ N u _ e p J `观众,看视频的时候要认真揣摩西方媒体使用的话术和字眼。“这样下次也许就更能理解他们努力想加的戏了。”


ChinO P – a $ = s ta doesn’t fire of6 * ^ 1 Fficials. They purge them.


Corrupt Chinese officials don’t get con8 G + ^ ~ @victed for corruption, they lose power struggles.


Chinesel . m | ( h o T e leaders don’t strengthen laws. They concentrate power.

“中国不是发放贷款,而是制造‘债务陷阱’。我在与一带一路相关的新闻里经常听到j ^ Q ` o M g a 3这种说法。”

China doesn’t g8 A pive out loans. They trap countries in debt. Oh yeah, well I’ve heard that a lot on the Belt and Road Initiative.


Cz q 7 3 [ = Q = khinese le; F ! F = iaders donV @ = s‘t want their country to prC 6 7 l # Uosper peacefully. They are obsess5 $ ~ l Wed with stability.


Countries and international organizations don’t praise China. They pander to the increasing global influence.


Chinese people don’t atte– I ; ynd rallies. They descend upon them.


TR P , d , / bhe Chi% 0 j 7 ` $ Cnese media doesn’t report news._ } + # It repo% G t { ~ ! % rrts propaganda. This is the biggest one.% t & M

“中国不是调整病例统计方式,而是瞒Z ~ C报了病例数。想想这种说法。无论中国发布什么数据,通过新闻发布给公众,或是分享给国际合作伙伴,他们的数据都不是真o %实的。如果是坏事,那就是瞒报;如果是好事,那就是夸大。你懂我的意思吧?”P ? s 6 :

China doesn’t revise counting methodologies. It unf ! [ / l K _ lderreports cases. China doesn’t revise counting method0 : I ^ [ ~oloY 9 p j u r : +gies. It underreports cases. Think about that one. Doesn’t matter which numbers they take out and put out in the public, in the news, give9 – G tS @ * i ` l j 1heir international partners. It’s not true is what they’re saying. They’re underreported if ie V d / L , utx 1 a [‘s bad. If it’s good, well then it’s over-reported. Of course, you know what I mean?


China doesn’t treat patients. It] F h p ! i rA , 9 l N P @ ?ounds them up.


China doesn’t requisition private hospitals during the heal) v V Z dth emergency by passing laws. It seizes them. It d) s Foesn’t requisition. It seizes them.


Chinese people are not patriotic. The; i o Y I ! b Jy’re brainwashed.

“我听美国` q D的另类右翼分子都这么说8 m j #,那些仇视中国的人,极力支持特朗普的人。有很多民主党人也在这样做,说中国洗脑这个,洗脑那个。好吧,如果…如果你是这样想的,也许你才是被洗z @ X M ! + n D脑的那个。”

I hear that from all of the Alt-Rii | Ight people that… the haters, the Trumpan6 E Domic6 & ps people out of the United States. Andh d e P 6 0 ? V # there[ ^ e t‘s a lot of Democrats that are doing exactly the same t* l | h X u P hing, brainwash this a* | $nd brainG O h A b Wwash that…Well, you know, if that’s the way you think, maybe yo2 L i P v c _u’re the one that’s brainwashed.


China’s goveM I $rnment doesn’t face governance challenges.

“中国的公司不是创新,他们1 G y @是窃取知识产权。过去几年来,这一直是特朗普经济学新闻中炒作的一件大事。”

China companD w P N j ^ [ V xies don’t innovate. They steal IP. Yeah. Anj B 7 f _ *d th= T – a / Rat’s been a big thing in the news, the Trumpanomics news over the last number of years.

“中国的名人并非出于爱国才在社交n b j : Y U S媒体上发爱国信息,他们是为了取悦执政党和民族主义的粉丝。我总是听到这类说法。谄媚者、马屁精、共产党的拥趸,诸如此类。”

Chinese celebrities don’t love their country and post patriotic messages on social m+ * Nedia. They pander to tH @ l } Z h Eh8 2 ? ` 1 2 . ye CCP and nationalistic fans. I get t. ^ E khat all the time, guys. Pander, bootlicker, commie shell, all of these things. Y! F @ e x l T V }es.


Hong Kon, j g b j h ] k 0g rioters don’t storm and destroy Legco. The Hong Kong police stand back and let them do it.

“香港的暴0 . W I F徒没有打烧杀无辜民众,没有纵火、制造炸弹、毁坏地铁站,没有放火烧楼阻断交通,他们是在报复警察的暴行。”

Hong Kong riotersJ I n, don’t beat and burn and kill civilians, commit arson, build bo; t : k Fmbs, destroy subway stations, set fires to buildings, block traffic. They retaliate against polic1 | r { e brutality.


Citizens of unfriendly countriS W Z b R : fes don’t diE 0 5splay patriotism. They display nationalism.

q h 5 5克阿佩兰认为,西方世界的媒体就是日复一日、年复一年地用这些字眼来操纵新闻的。“他们操纵的不只是新闻,他们还在操纵你我这些西方新闻的观众。”

You see, all of thC j $ : o U : P /ese words that they use to manipulate the news in the Western; Z $ a 0 H H ! U world. But t) T h 6 a 7hq G D # o Uey’re not just manipulatiz 6 f v 0 wng the news, they’re manipulating you and me as Western viewers of the news. And it~ c O + @ y @‘s one of those things that they do it very well. They’ve been doing it for years and years and years.



△视频来源:Gweilo 60

“西方新闻媒体会选择偏向某个政党,并没有与这些政党划清界限。” 视频中,柯克阿佩兰详细介绍了西方媒体与各个政党之| ? G @ c d前的关系 。

2 , & 5 g P ~ B美国福克斯新闻都是支持特朗普的死忠粉,美国有线电视新闻网则是民主党的大n 1 0 l 1 O本营。= A 2 r { r

You know, you got the Trumpanomic boys and stuff with the Fox News. You, b 7 * n W ] M 0 got the Democrats with CNN.

在加拿大,加拿大广播公司亲自由党,保守党没有主要的新闻平台但是保守党牢牢掌控了社交媒体。他们9 % Z在社交媒体上真的很厉害。自由党则在社交媒体上被猛烈攻击。

In Canada, the CBC is a Liberal thing. The Conservatives, I don’t think have aD t ] = ( B / ~ bny reallQ X } K E fy big news thing, channel on their side. But the Conservatives have social media locked up solid. They+ 3 i A / P C 5‘re really good on social media wheren x = you looo w r { 2k at the Liberals and they ge[ , y lt bashed on socialD G – c media.

柯克阿佩兰直言,我们, i ~ )不能再相信西方媒体了。“在我小时候,西方媒体的话还是可信的,我知道这一点。”

The media in the West, you can’t trusV n R V nt them anymore. When I was a kid, you used to be abK ~ h G I =le to trust wha[ 0 w i f H yt they would say. I knoy P D ? Z Kw that.

常年生活在中国,柯8 E Y ~ 5克阿佩兰认为:“但在中国,不同的是,如果他们看到世界上发生了一些好事,就算是发生在美国、加拿大、英国或任何地方+ V t E,他们都会报道。中国媒体会说这是个好消息。”

Sure, in China, there’s news and they lean toward. 1 o @ .s their political beliefs in C[ T y w D 7hina, too. But the difference in China is that if they see som+ , X Z o K U Kething good happening around thm – n # , E Q I 3e world, even in the UY h 6 E U S + 6nited States or Canada or Great Britain or anywhere, they actually report. And they say this isH 9 – ^ ` M # Y } good news.

“而在西方世界,当中国做了好事时,比如这次新冠疫情,加拿大的新闻就说,台湾地区做得很棒,韩国在抗击蔓延全球的新冠疫情上做得很好,对中国只字未提q O 1 i ( M y ( =y P g R 7 : X 4

While in the West, when China does something good, like you look at this last CVC Q a ; W ! d M h thing, the Canadian news came on there and said, Taiwan region and South Korea did a great job at fighting this CV thing that’s going around the world right now. No mention of China.

“他们确实提了中F d c d国,因为台湾是中国的。但是大多数加拿大人不明白其中的区别。所以只能说是他们无知。”

Well, they dV ( } 1 l J { vid mention China because of the province of Taiwan. But most of these Canadian people, they don’t understand the difference. So you have to just say they’re ignorant.

“为p Y @ & * s t ;何西方媒体就是不愿承认、不能e I R承认中国做了好事?” 这个问题让柯克阿佩兰很困惑,; 8 ^ r ) e p他暗自猜想:“一定有不成文或成文规定,要求这些新闻机构不准有任何关于中国的好话。”

But the i^ ? Z E K t M 9 _dea is that theyr v c ] V g won’t, they can’t. There must be an unwritS t a uten rule or maybe it’s a written rule in these news organizati; + R n O ;ons that you’re not supf . – i @ nposed to saT Z e f g ) 1 8 Ry anyG C Nthing positive about China.


柯克阿佩兰r I ,的这则视频在海外社交媒体账号上被观看了3.2万次,引发了很多外国网友对该问题的深思) ; O M r 2 3 { Y


这里是加拿大魁北克。我从来没见过任何关于中国的正面报道,媒体总是感觉在遮遮掩掩些什么。我70岁了,一直都关心政治话题。反共产主义根植在我们的文化里,z } E 0 k % ? 5 )伴随我们整个人生。当我谈论起中国和其成就时,不论是哪方面的内容,比如8亿人口脱贫,或医疗保险方面的话f # 7 } } I h b S题,从来没人相信我。即使我援引联1 6 U 4合国的数据,他们也不信。所以我说,政治宣传和“垃圾话”在我们的文化中是根深蒂固的。


西方仍然有人相信地球是平的。和这E 1 H [ D g k样认知水平的人有什么好争论的。


大多数西方媒体不愿意面对事实,即中国正在有条不紊地处理疫情,成效卓著;然而他B 4 , e T V I 0 5们自己的政府倒是手忙脚乱,处理不当。西方媒体已经习惯带着偏见E f b D H 1 )看中国了,很难改变。


这个主题很棒。就在两天前,我在Flipboard上看到了一篇称赞中国援助的文章,我刚想要读,就被删R ; a 5 p V掉了!这是我第一次看到Flipboard上的文章被删掉。在那以后我知道了他们就是不允许夸中国的文章存在,我就把这个应用卸载了。这也太不公平了,太可悲了。我们再也不能相信任何西方媒体了。


仇华的人编` ( v )造了很多负面新闻给中国。我只有一个问题:如果中国真的所有地方都这么不堪一击又邪恶,美国为什么要这么怕中国?为什么美国想尽一切办法不让华为进美国?



2014年柯克阿佩兰与妻子搬到中国。据他介绍,自己是从2017年开始做视频博主,& 2 c H h K ?“因为我想向朋友和家人展示我在中国的生活”。

亲朋好友一直听说中国是一个有共产主义; J 8 8 G | u政府的国家,他们认为很危险。我想告诉他们这不是真的,但我8 G 0 O $ O 7 9失败了。

They had always heard that China was a place with a Communist government and they considered it dangerous. I tried telling them that thisc x : = . . v # ^ was just not true but I couldni ! P n k e W [ .‘t get them to understand.


I tD M : w zhouH S G * ~ | 9 @ :ght then that I would show them the real China tD / l V )hat I have grown to love and the only way I knew how to do this was to mw n Q = , n k v Yake videos so they could actually see what I see.

通过视频,他们终于明白了,中国X J s U和他们的国家基本上是一样的。最大的区别就是文化、食物、人^ J c民、气候和风光了。

This turned a lot of them to understand that China was basically the same as their count% 7 S L mry. The big difference was the cultS J } m / 9 [ure, food, people,e A , e J e climate and the beauty of the countryf U y l $ r side.


The rhetoric was being spread in the po9 o m J o f T vlitical circles in a n3 ( 2 + j + C dumber of c? 0 v n T &ountries and by mainstream media. I tried to explain to the masses that the truth was not being told to them by thesQ 4 be= E C $ X K F politiciw n / *ans and journalists






